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Afro Latino and Spanish Cultural Society
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Spanish Night.png
Join us tomorrow for an hour of Spanish, icebreakers and games!
We are having a baby girl!-2.jpg



Changó is the Afro Latino and Spanish Culture club at Howard University. This club serves to spread awareness of Spanish culture, encourage students to study abroad in Spanish speaking countries, specifically with Afro Latino programs, and give back to the Latino population of DC.


Afro Latino culture comes from people of African descent living in Latin American or Spanish speaking countries. Santería is an Afro Caribbean and Afro Latino religion based on Yoruba and Cathoic beliefs. This religion includes a number of minor Gods, or orishas. Changó is one of the many orishas in Santería. He is the orisha of dancing, drumming, and leadership, among other things. Changó is representative of Afro Latino religion, which is a big part of Afro Latino culture. 

More about Changó

Thank you for a successful and fun semester with Changó! We were able to put together many events, including dance classes, a cooking class (pico de gallo), community service events, and much much more! We would not be able to pull off anything without the support and commitment of our members! Also, a huge thank you to the dedicated executive board!! These events would not have been possible without their tireless work and effort behind the scenes. We look forward to another great semester!


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